
Who Is Blessed?

This is a poem that I memorized as a child to recite for performances with Children's Bible Hour. I was a part of CBH from age 3 to almost 16.  I don't know exactly what age I was when I memorized this poem (and many other poems and scripture texts), but my guess is sometime between age 10 and 14.  The age that I was at the time doesn't really matter at this point.  What is more noteworthy, is that even now, as an adult, I still remember this poem well enough to retell it.  In a world that has been acting rather irrational and crazy in the past year especially, this is a very good lesson that more adults ought to remember and share with their children.  Please read it over. The Thought at the bottom of this post is a my comment that I added in 2009 when I typed this up into a printed form for some purpose that I don't remember now.  But I still agree with that thought.  The poem itself is not my words, and unfortunately, I don't know who the author was.   I hope you

Helping You Identify the Edible Herbs Growing Wild Near You.

I have been an avid herb user for a very long time (at least 30 years).  They are Nature's medicine.  Knowing what grows wild and knowing how to use it is a very cool thing. Here's a little blog I created more than a decade ago for the benefit of a  class I taught for a home education group.  You might enjoy it.  Check it out! Turning Weeds to into Treasured Herbs Class Notes

That About Page .....About What???

 When you go to a website or a blog, do you make a point to check out the "About" page right away?  Do you read it at all?  Does it help to give you a view of the person, company, author, blog?? Or does it feel like a spiel of fluff and unimportant drivel put there for some sort of obligatory reason?   It's all about perspective isn't it. What are you "about"?  Have you ever thought about it that way?  What do others think you are about?  I have had a variety of Amish friends over the years, and I recall hearing a story about an Amish custom for the young adults. It was said that they traditionally make handmade cards, like a business card, that is handed out to other similar aged Amish folks during community events when larger groups come together.  The card is meant to be a mini introduction tool. Not like the "English" style business card with a name, contact info and a business trade.  But more of a personal card that is filled in on the back t


  This is your Welcome Mat for this blog. So brush off your feet and step inside, let's have a lil chat! I am happy to have you along with me on this journey. This blog is my proverbial "soap box" and "back porch swing with cup of herbal tea". For those who have walked along with me on any part of this journey we call life on Earth, you'll know that I have frequently spent time "chatting" or  "soap box" style talking to folks wherever and whenever our paths happen to cross.  I do enjoy a fun chat, a helpful conversation, or a just sharing some advise. If you've participated in conversation(s) like that with me, thank you for your company while we've walked that daily path!  I hope the conversation was worth the time it cost you! Many of those conversation participants have said that I should put my words in print so that they could be shared and re-read later.  This is my effort to do just that.  Hopefully it will be helpful and b